
What is Male Fertility? Tips to Boost Male Fertility & Sperm Count

Tips to Boost Male Fertility & Sperm Count

Male fertility plays an essential role in conception. It refers to a man’s ability to impregnate a woman successfully. One factor affecting male fertility is the quality and quantity of sperm produced; we will discuss these basics, the factors influencing it, and methods to improve both counts and quality in this blog post.

What Is Male Fertility?

Male fertility refers to the ability of male sperm to fertilize female eggs, leading to conception successfully. This process depends on various factors, including count, motility (ability to swim), morphology (shape and size of sperm), overall health status, and chances of successful conception. A low sperm count or poor-quality sperm can significantly lower the chances of successful conception.

Factors That Affecting Male Fertility in Modern Era:

Lifestyle Habits: Adopting unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse or leading a sedentary lifestyle can harm male fertility and health.

Diet and Nutrition: A well-rounded diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids is critical for optimal sperm production.

Stress: Chronic Stress may impede hormone production, interfering with sperm production.

Age: While men can produce sperm throughout their lives, as they get older, their quality declines, and fertility may decrease significantly.

Environmental Factors: Exposure to toxins, radiation, and excessive heat sources such as saunas, hot tubs, or laptops on your lap can negatively impact sperm health.

Tips to Increase Male Fertility and Sperm Count:

Consider Conducting a Male Fertility Test: If you and your partner have difficulty conceiving, consider conducting a male fertility test to assess sperm count, motility and morphology. Semen analysis is a standard test used to evaluate male fertility and identify potential issues.

At Dr. Mazen IVF, we have modular facilities to perform fertility test for men. Our experts use latest techniques to perform the best male fertility test.

Adopt a Healthy Diet: Focus on adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats such as vitamins C & E, as well as selenium and zinc for optimal sperm health.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity can reduce male fertility, so strive to maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and eating healthily.

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption: Since smoking and excessive alcohol intake can erode sperm quality, limiting both can improve it.

Manage Stress Effectively: Engage in stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation or hobbies to effectively manage your Stress.

Avoid Excessive Heat and Toxins: To protect sperm health, avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures (e.g. hot baths or saunas) or environmental toxins for extended periods.

Exercise regularly: Engaging in moderate physical activity can support hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.

How to Increase Sperm Count 

Reducing Sexual Activity: Since frequent ejaculation may lower sperm count, taking some days of abstinence before trying for conception can increase the concentration of sperm cells and help ensure their successful release into your cycle.

Consider Supplements: Certain supplements like zinc, coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine have been associated with increased sperm count and motility. As with all treatments or remedies, please seek professional advice before beginning any new regimens of supplements.

Address Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances can significantly diminish sperm production. For optimal sperm health, consult a male fertility doctor to address hormonal issues.

How to Increase Sperm Thickness and Strength

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats such as vitamins C & E, as well as zinc, selenium, and coenzyme Q10, may positively affect sperm health.

Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity may help improve sperm quality; however, engaging in excessively intense workouts could have adverse side effects; therefore, moderation should always be observed.

Avoid Harmful Substances: Alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, and excessive caffeine consumption can hinder sperm production and function.

Wear loose-fitting underwear: Clothing or underwear that restricts testicular temperature could interfere with its proper function and negatively affect sperm production.

Avoid Hot Baths and Saunas: Prolonged exposure to excessive heat may temporarily reduce sperm production and motility, potentially impairing their success in mating.

Reduce exposure: Reduce exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals and industrial chemicals that might affect our health and well-being.

Consider supplements: Doctors may recommend certain supplements to enhance sperm quality. As always, consult a healthcare professional before taking any such medication, as some might not be appropriate for everyone.

Regular health checkups: Certain medical conditions, infections, and hormonal imbalances can impact sperm quality; regular check-ups and male fertility tests can help identify and address potential issues.


Male fertility is an integral factor of conception. By understanding its fundamentals and adopting healthy lifestyle practices, men can significantly enhance sperm count and quality. If couples are having trouble conceiving, consulting a male fertility doctor at Dr. Mazen IVF could increase their chances of successful conception. Dr. Mazen is a leading fertility expert in Dubai with over 20 years of experience in offering fertility treatment. With his expertise and knowledge, he has helped several couples with fertility issues. If you too are facing any fertility issues, then contact Dr. Mazen today.


What foods increase sperm count?

Walnuts, citrus fruits, spinach and zinc-rich foods such as oysters and pumpkin seeds may all help increase sperm count.

What age are men fertile?

Men typically remain fertile from puberty (about 12-16 years) until old age.

What age is the best for sperm quality?

Sperm quality typically peaks for men during their late teens and early 30s.

How fertile are men after 30?

Men over 30 may still be fertile, though their sperm quality may diminish over time.

Is 30 too old to have a baby for men?

No age is considered too old for men to start having children; many men have fathered children even as late as their 40s or beyond.

At what age does sperm quality decline?

Sperm quality generally begins to decline gradually after age 40.

How are fertility tests done in males?

Fertility tests on males typically include semen analysis to measure sperm count, motility, and morphology.

How can I test my sperm fertility?

Men who want to test sperm fertility typically undergo semen analysis by providing a sample for examination.

How much does a male fertility test cost in the UAE?

Male fertility test cost typically range in price from AED 500 to AED 1500 depending on which clinic and what examination are performed, with clinic costs fluctuating accordingly.

Are male fertility tests expensive?

Male fertility tests can be expensive; male fertility test cost will depend on your location, clinic and which tests you require.

Author: Dr. Mazen Dayeh

Dr. Muhammad Mazen Dayeh is a top fertility expert. He completed his Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) from Saint Petersburg I.P. Pavlov State Medical University in Russia and acquired his specialty training and Ph.D. at Russian Academy for Medical Sciences. He is considered a Consultant of both OB/GYN and Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility. His special interests lie both in male and female infertility, Reproductive Immunology, and Recurrent Implantation Failures. He is recognized for his expertise in treating and evaluating infertility and recurrent pregnancy losses, IVF, and laparoscopic surgical techniques. Currently, he is performing over 600 IVF cycles per year.

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