
Latest Technology

We use the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology, with expert care at our fertility centre.

IVF Specialists
20+ Years of Experience

Dr. Mazen is a passionate and empathetic physician with more than 20 years of experience in infertility treatment.

IVF Specialist
600+ IVF Cycles per Year

With more than 600 IVF Cycles per year, Dr. Mazen's medical experience and success rate speak for themselves.

Best IVF Doctor in Dubai

Never Underestimate the Power of Will and the Miracles of Science

Infertility is a war that couples fight together. It is like a journey from disappointment and hopelessness towards one good news that changes their entire lives. This is what we, at our IVF clinic, as infertility specialists, keep striving for.

I have spent more than 20 years of my life in this profession. The hope twinkling in my patients’ eyes to hold their beautiful babies in their arms made me realize how badly they long for this desire. I have made it my aim to help them make their dreams come true.

My life is dedicated to providing the best possible treatments to cure infertility among both males and females with the highest rate of positive results. In all these years of dedication and commitment, we have applied the most advanced medical methodologies like IVF, IUI, hormonal therapies, and surgeries and left no stone unturned in achieving a cure for various causes of infertility, whether in males or females.

Every time a baby takes its first breath, it takes my breath away, because at that moment I believe in miracles and witness the power of medicine. Let’s enrich this world with more babies, laughs and happy parents! Together, we can accomplish the unimaginable!

Dr. Muhammad Mazen Dayeh
Happy Clients
Words from Our Patients
infertility clinic near me
I named him the KING of TWINS because from the day I got to assist him, we always have TWIN gestation in every scan we do.
He is detailed to his patient. Keep it up Doc.
Visit us now and get fertility check.

NurseJemz On-Duty

Dr Mazen IVF
دكتور مازن . عنده خبره و دراية كامله في كل ما يخص مجاله . بإختصار محترف . يعطيك العافيه و بالتوفيق دائما

Maher Darwich

The best experience with the best, Dr. Mazen, with his great experience and his diamond heart, you can trust him without hesitation. We are very grateful to you, and we wish you continued success.

Diala Iskandarani

best ivf in dubai
الشكر الجزيل للدكتور الرائع مازن ، بفضله وجهوده وخبرته معنا منّ الله علينا بمولود بعد انتظار خمس سنوات وعمل الكثير من الزراعات غير الناجحه عند الاخرين، شكرا دكتور مازن

laith alzou’bi

IVF Specialist in dubai
Actually, Dr Mazen is the best one in UAU ,through my experience with him , really he was amazing person with his wonderful treatment with his patients , he made our dream to become real . I advise every lady with any hesitation to visit him , I always ask God to bless him because he gives hope to people and help everyone , I wish you all the best Dr Mazen Dayeh .

عبد الرحمن عبد الجادر

Dr Mazen IVF
Its an honor to meet the king of IVF. One of the best and highly recommended Doctor . A medical director but really hands on to his patients.

Cindy Sanchez

ivf center in dubai
Best doctor ever, highly recommend him.
I had a good experience and thanks for everything…

Heba A

ivf center in dubai
The best IVF Dr ever thank you Dr.Mazen you change my dream to truth .
Alhmdullah 🤲

Mohammad Rabah

ivf center in dubai
I highly recommend Doctor Mazen the best in ivf...if i say the king of ivf ...its not wrong....He is very much perfect and experienced in his work ......He came like an angel in our life❤and becoz of him our dream came true...Always supportive , confident and positive attitude....Highly Recommended...we are grateful to you Doctor Mazen... wish your greater success.

Shahraz Mian

Honestly he is one of the best doctors in UAE. And the best in this field..

Ziad Shi

male infertility treatment
Honestly he is one of the best doctor i ever met when ever i call him or msg him he replied he is a true hoper and helper and most kind person

Nimra Raheel

Top IVF clinic
I love his Russian accent 💝💝but not only this; his hands are magical during procedures

Helene Mezher

male infertility treatment in dubai
If you want to make your dreams come true , and if you are lucky to come across Dr mazin , then you are already half way thru your fertility journey, He is very attentive , and always Available Wether it’s night or day.

Sadaf Naseem

male infertility treatment
Highly recommended Dr.Mazen
The right man in the right place.🙏🙏⚘

Heba Dababneh

IVF Specialist
Doctor Mazen is a very professional person,who makes his patient feel safe, healthy, and hopeful.He is very genuine and clear about his feedback and diagnosis.Thank you for being part of our journey. 🌺🌺🌺

Rasha Abu Saab

infertility clinic near me
Best word to describe Dr. Mazen? EXEMPLARY!

Judi’s Girl Power

Dr Mazen IVF
He is a very professional doctor, I got 2 daughters through his professional way of treatment, thank you Sir

The Truth

من افضل وارقى واشطر الدكاتره دكتور مازن الله يوفقك يارب

محمد و آيه

Dr Mazen IVF Specialist
he made our dream come true we have a 4 years old boy

Yara Elbanna

The twin maker in town congratulations Doctor 👏😘

Rosemarie Romero

Dr Mazen IVF Specialist
Doctor Mazen, help us to enter a new life after many bad experience, this doctor affected to his patients, treated as a family, I didn't see any doctor who support 24 hours his patients. His clear information let you trusted him.
Wishing him a very successful career and I encourage all people to approach him.

Attallah Jaber

IVF Journey
Your IVF journey will reach its completion after passing through 5 stages:
Ovulation Induction Icon


Egg Retrieval Icon


Sperm Retrieval Icon


Fertilization Icon


Embryo Transfer


Arrow Icon
Arrow Icon
Arrow Icon
infertility clinics

Ovulation Induction

This stage is also called Ovarian Stimulation. This is the start of an IVF cycle where doctors use synthetic hormones to stimulate the ovaries. You will be given medicines that will help your ovaries produce multiple eggs. The procedure starts when your menstruation cycle begins. It takes 8 to 14 days to get your follicles ready for egg retrieval.

Egg Retrieval

Once you receive your final medication for ovarian stimulation, you will be ready to undergo Egg Retrieval after 34 to 36 hours. You will be given sedative and pain medication for this phase of the procedure. The usual retrieval method used is transvaginal ultrasound aspiration, where the doctor locates the follicles in the ovaries. A needle connected to a suction device is used to collect the eggs. Usually, the process doesn’t take more than 25 minutes.

Sperm Retrieval

Your partner will provide the clinic with a semen sample on the same day of your egg retrieval. Sometimes, a surgical procedure for the extraction of sperm from the testicles is required. The sperm washing method separates sperm from semen fluid in our lab.


There are two ways of attempting the Fertilization stage:
- Conventional Insemination
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
The procedure is done on the same day as your egg retrieval and sperm retrieval. Once the fertilization is confirmed (usually by the next day), fertilized eggs are incubated in our labs for 5 to 6 days.

Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer usually takes palace 4 to 5 days after your egg retrieval. It is a painless method that does not take more than five minutes. You should have a full bladder for better ultrasound visibility. A catheter is inserted into your uterus through vagina. A syringe having one or more embryos is attached to the catheter and is used to place the embryo in your uterus.

our services
Customized Infertility Treatment
Depending on your clinical history and indication, we will guide you to choose the most appropriate treatment options
Female Infertility
Female Infertility
We are committed to provide the most reliable female infertility treatment with highest success rate.
Male Infertility
Male Infertility
It is a common misperception that infertility issues are stem from females, but 50% of infertility issues are related to male reproductive problems.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology
We deliver the best care throughout every life stage of a woman, from the first period through to menopause and beyond.
Don't hesitate! Your fertility expert is just a click away!

Struggling with Infertility?

Contact us today and let us help you achieve assisted conception!

Call: +971 50 555 1964

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Our Latest Blogs
Getting the right information is the first step towards the best treatment. Our blogs will provide some useful insights and knowledge on various reproduction health topics.
IVF Cycles Yearly

600 +

IVF Cycles Yearly

18 Years of Experience


Years of Experience

IVF Babies Delivered

3000 +

IVF Babies Delivered

8000+ Patient Treated

8000 +

Patients Treated

Book an Appointment
Contact us today and let us help you achieve assisted conception! Chose the day of your appointment and we’ll get back at you for scheduling the best time.