
Dubai Fertility Center

Trusted Fertility Center in Dubai!

Generally, infertility is defined as inability to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or more) of unprotected sex. Because fertility in female is known to decrease steadily with age, some fertility centers in Dubai diagnose and treat women aged 35 years or older after 6 months of unprotected intercourse. Women with infertility should consider making an appointment with a fertility endocrinologist at a reputed and the best fertility clinic in Dubai. Reproductive endocrinologists can also help the women with recurrent miscarriage, defined as two or more continuous abortions.

Pregnancy is the result of a process multi-step process. To get pregnant:

  • The man’s sperm should come in contact with the egg along the way (fertilize).
  • The fertilized egg must go through a fallopian toward the uterus (womb).
  • The fetus must attach to the inside of the uterus.

What is a Fertility Clinic?

Dubai fertility center is a place where a couple who are unable to conceive may receive medical advice and treatments to help them to have a child. A medical clinic that help couples, and sometimes individuals who want to become parents but for medical reasons they have been unable to achieve this via the natural intercourse. Fertility clinic in Dubai uses many diagnosis tests and sometimes most advanced medical treatments to achieve conceptions and pregnancies.

Why Do You Need the Best Fertility Clinic in Dubai?

Healthcare professionals refer people for specialist consultation at the best IVF center in Dubai if they have not conceived after 1 year of intercourse or 6 cycles of artificial insemination, or earlier depending on the known infertility factors and the age of the woman.

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What happens in a Fertility Center Dubai?

The specialist at fertility clinic Dubai will ask about fertility history, and may carry out a physical examination. Women may be tested to determine the levels of hormones in their blood and how well their ovaries are functioning. They may also have an ultrasound scan or X-ray to see if there are any obstructions or structural problems. The fertility clinics in Dubai or IVF center Dubai are staffed with trained personnel including reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, sonographers, nurses, lab technicians and administrative staff. Additional professionals from acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and healthy eating may also be part of the team. A person will need one person for each 150 cycles of ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) / IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). If person is less than that then there may be a problem if have that then person do not have problems unless some people are not able to work (pregnancy or diseases) and if person have more than that then person is in optimal conditions.

Reproductive clinics or IVF centers in Dubai look to both men and women for diagnosis of infertility. For men, sperm collection is a standard diagnostic test to detect the problems with the sperm quality, while females may undergo a number of tests including an ovulation analysis, x-ray of uterine tubes and uterus, and laparoscopy. Specialist may also perform ultrasounds by a sonographer and advanced pregnancy tests.

There are lots of reasons that fertility clinic in Dubai might be a good choice. Women having trouble getting pregnant, and so far, gynecologists’ has given advice and ran some basic tests. They may have run a blood test for hormones or asked to record basal body temperature for a couple of months probably an ultrasound and an hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or sonohysterography also be performed.

At the same time, husband has been checked out by a urologist. When it comes time to diagnose the problem and suggest solutions couple may wish there were a single doctor both could see. This is where infertility specialist comes in role.

A specialist can provide big-picture advice. RESOLVE, an infertility support group, recommends and see one if you’re a:

  • Woman who has had more than one miscarriage
  • Woman under 35 and haven’t gotten pregnant after 12 months of trying
  • Woman above 35 and haven’t get pregnant after 6 months of trying
  • A man, who has not had his sperm analyzed properly

What Technology Is Performed at Dr. Mazen Dayeh Fertility Center Dubai?

Treatment may include surgical interventions, implantation of ovulation, artificial insemination, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI) or the use of an egg donor or a sperm donor.

In vitro fertilization is the well-known assisted reproductive technology procedures performed in fertility clinic Dubai. Advanced men infertility treatments such as TESA (Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) is also offered by the best fertility clinic in Dubai these days.

Before get started on search for a fertility clinic Dubai or best IVF center in Dubai, find out what kind of tests or procedures one may need down the road. And give some thought ahead of time to how far person is willing to go with this process. Treating infertility can cost thousands of dollars and involve strong drugs and hormones. Knowing own limits will keep from being talked into some new procedure that one really doesn’t want and can’t afford.

Keep in mind that some fertility clinic in Dubai that looked great several years ago may have had a lot of turnover in staff and may have gone downhill in quality.

Dr. Mazen Dayeh Fertility Center, your trusted fertility clinic in Dubai, UAE. Our facility we provide reproductive technologies, while offering best approach to infertility treatment that considers the physical, emotional, psychological and psychosocial needs of every couple.

IVF treatment is one of the most recommended fertility treatments today for couples or individuals as it can cause a substantial increase in the chances of a couple to conceive. Young, fertile couples generally have a 15 to 20% chance of conceiving naturally within a month. With IVF women can have a success rate of 25 to 35% per cycle. In some cases, this can even reach up to 40% or more.

As the leading IVF clinic in DubaiDr. Mazen Dayeh Fertility is able to help older female patients dealing with low ovarian reserve increase their chances of conception through our fertility treatment.

We specialize in other infertility treatments

Our internal team and an international expert focus on Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Whether you are dealing with female or male infertility problems, we have special infertility treatment that can be used to overcome a wide range of reproductive problems.

Contact the Best IVF Centre in Dubai, UAE

Call us Today to schedule an appointment and find out what makes us different and one of the successful and best Fertility clinics Dubai. Our experienced staff will be willing to walk you through each process and discuss the best options for you.

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