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Tips to Increase Female Fertility Fast

If you’re on the exciting journey of trying to conceive, your diet plays a crucial role in preparing your body for pregnancy. Research indicates that certain foods can positively influence fertility, increasing your chances of conception. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore fertility-boosting foods for females, focusing on key food groups that support reproductive health. Additionally, we’ll highlight foods to limit or avoid and provide practical tips for creating a successful fertility diet.

What to eat to increase female fertility

1. Fruits and Vegetables 

A Harvard School of Public Health study with nearly 18,000 participants demonstrated an association between diet and fertility. Those consuming more trans fats, sugar from carbohydrates, and animal proteins, showed higher incidences of ovulatory disorders while individuals who consumed more iron, fiber, and protein from vegetables had more favorable diets for female fertility scores.

Experts advise eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables regularly. Watermelons, asparagus, and other raw produce provide abundant sources of glutathione which is essential for egg quality, while powerful vegetables such as kale contain elements essential for estrogen metabolism. Although whole fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw, juicing kale or other greens is another alternative for those who aren’t fans of raw produce.

2. Healthy Fats

For a well-rounded fertility diet, including plant-based fats in moderation, is key. Nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grapeseed oil all contain anti-inflammatory compounds which studies suggest could enhance fertility. Furthermore, monounsaturated fats found in avocados nuts, and certain oils have been linked with higher IVF success rates and success rates in IVF cycles.

As trans fats found in processed snacks can contribute to insulin resistance, raising it may hinder ovulation – making it essential that any fertility diet contains foods that protect against insulin resistance.

3. Complex Carbs

Opting for complex (“slow”) carbs over highly processed ones can help promote fertility. Refined carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, white bread, and white rice can lead to rapid blood sugar spikes with elevated insulin levels that prevent ovulation; complex carbs found in fruits, vegetables beans, and whole grains digest slowly and maintain balanced blood sugar levels over time.

PCOS sufferers should restrict their gluten intake due to its potential to trigger inflammation. Achieving fertility support through eating complex carbs such as brown rice or exploring various whole grains like amaranth, millet or quinoa is key.

4. Protein 

Protein sources like chicken, turkey, pork and lean beef provide essential building blocks for a healthy pregnancy, including zinc and iron. Furthermore, coldwater fish like salmon and sardines offer DHA and omega-3 fatty acids which support your baby’s nervous system while decreasing the risk of premature birth.

Eggs, often maligned for their cholesterol content, are excellent sources of protein and choline that help develop baby brain function. Plant-based proteins from beans, nuts, seeds, and tofu offer fewer calories but higher healthy fat content – ideal options for anyone planning preconception weight loss plans.

5. Dairy

Lactose-tolerant women should consume full-fat dairy products such as yogurt to promote fertility. Low-fat dairy has been linked to infertility issues; thus making high-fat alternatives even more essential.

Greek-style yogurt containing probiotic microbes has been found to contribute to improved pregnancy health. According to studies, such yogurt can increase metabolism and lower premature birth risk. Individuals experiencing difficulty conceiving may consult their physician about limiting dairy in their fertility diet plan.

Foods to Limit or Avoid in a Fertility Diet

Although every individual’s foods that promote fertility in females vary, understanding how specific foods affect fertility is key for making informed choices and decisions about enhancing fertility. Here are some food items you may want to limit or avoid:

1. Caffeine

Moderation is key when it comes to caffeine consumption during attempts at conception. Although coffee and tea do not directly cause issues with ovulation, too much caffeine intake may lead to dehydration which could potentially impede sperm mobility and thus interfere with fertilisation.

According to recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), restricting daily caffeine consumption to 200 milligrams may help optimize fertility without impairing it. Switching some daily caffeine consumption with decaffeinated or low-caffeine beverages such as green tea may provide benefits without endangering fertility.

2. Alcohol

Experts advise couples attempting to become pregnant to limit or avoid alcohol, as excessive use has been linked with reduced fertility and impaired sperm health – both factors that put their developing fetus and themselves at risk.

Due to the risks associated with alcohol, couples trying to conceive should limit their alcohol intake during active fertility attempts.

3. Sugary Drinks and Processed Sweeteners

Indulging in treats is part of leading a balanced lifestyle; however, excessive intake of sugary beverages and processed sweeteners can have adverse effects on blood sugar levels and hormone balance. Individuals living with conditions like diabetes or PCOS might benefit from opting for less processed sweeteners to maintain hormonal equilibrium.

Limiting sugar-laden sodas, fruit juices, and energy drinks is essential, as they have been linked with ovulatory infertility. Selecting less-processed sweeteners with lower glycemic loads like agave syrup, honey maple syrup or stevia may offer healthier alternatives.

4. Processed Soy 

Processed soy foods, particularly powders and energy bars, should be restricted when planning a fertility diet. Research suggests that high quantities of soy could impede ovarian function due to estrogen-mimicking properties found in soy protein isolate.

Whole soy products like edamame, tempeh, miso paste, or natto are generally safe when consumed in moderation and may provide health benefits. Integrating soy in its natural state aligns with cultural practices like those found in Japan and China.

Tips for an Effective Fertility Diet

Implementing specific nutrition strategies can further boost the success of any fertility diet plan. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Opt For Whole Foods 

To harness the power of whole foods, draw inspiration from the Mediterranean lifestyle. Eating plenty of whole grains and vegetables while cutting back on processed meat consumption has been linked with protecting against ovulatory dysfunction, while the diversity of nutrients found in whole food sources enhances overall fertility health.

2. Take Your Vitamin Whilst Tried Conceiving

Start taking a multivitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid and 40-80 milligrams of iron daily when trying to conceive, according to health professionals. Folic acid plays an essential role in neural tube development in babies and reduces birth defect risks, making a prenatal vitamin essential. Starting one early may increase your chances of success!

3. Mix Up Your Plate

While choosing fertility-supportive foods is certainly important, diversifying the contents of your plate with foods from various regions and cuisines ensures you get a well-rounded nutritional intake to fill any potential gaps in essential vitamins and minerals.

ALSO Read: Female Infertility: Symptoms, Causes, Tests & Treatment


Eating for fertility requires making conscious and intentional choices to support reproductive health, including foods rich in nutrients and minimizing substances that may inhibit fertility. By eating food high in nutrients while decreasing exposure to substances that could interfere with conception, individuals can increase their chances of conception. Since everyone’s body varies greatly, obtaining professional advice from fertility experts like Dr. Mazen before making significant dietary changes is key. With a focus on personalized and advanced female infertility treatments, Dr. Mazen and his team are committed to providing comprehensive care to those navigating the path of fertility.


Does alcohol affect fertility in females?

Excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt menstrual cycles, affecting hormone production and ovulation. This may reduce fertility in females. It’s advisable for women trying to conceive to limit alcohol intake.

Is pomegranate juice good for female fertility?

Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants that may benefit female fertility by reducing oxidative stress. While research is ongoing, moderate consumption as part of a healthy diet may contribute positively to reproductive health.

Does caffeine affect female fertility?

High caffeine intake may slightly impact fertility, potentially delaying conception. It’s recommended that women trying to conceive limit caffeine intake to promote optimal fertility.

Does smoking affect fertility in females?

Smoking harms fertility by affecting egg quality, disrupting hormonal balance, and increasing the risk of miscarriage. Quitting smoking is crucial for improving fertility.

Does diabetes affect fertility in females?

Uncontrolled diabetes can impair fertility in females by affecting ovulation and increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy. Managing blood sugar levels is essential for optimizing fertility and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

Female Infertility Symptoms, Causes, Tests & Treatment

Female Infertility: Symptoms, Causes, Tests & Treatment

Female infertility is a complex and emotionally stressful issue affecting millions of women globally and couples trying to conceive. We will explore all aspects of female infertility here – its causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment options, lifestyle considerations, and natural remedies used by those struggling to conceive – plus impact factors like age and risk factors associated with female infertility.

What Is Female Infertility (IF)?

Female infertility refers to the inability of a woman to conceive and carry her pregnancy to term. It can arise due to various factors affecting her reproductive system that prevent eggs from being fertilized or implanted into her uterus successfully.

How Common Is Female Infertility?

Female infertility is more widespread than you might realize; studies show that up to 10-15% of couples struggle with infertility issues; the vast majority of these cases include female infertility.

How Can Women Treat Infertility?

Treating female infertility often requires an individualized plan based on its root causes, including medication, surgery, assisted reproductive technology (ART), or lifestyle changes.

Types of Infertility in Females:

Primary Infertility: This condition occurs when a woman has never been able to become pregnant.

Secondary Infertility: Secondary infertility occurs when women who have previously become pregnant experience difficulty getting pregnant again.

Female Infertility Symptoms and Their Significance:

Female infertility does not always exhibit physical symptoms, yet some women may notice female infertility symptoms like:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Changes in libido

What Is the Leading Cause of Female Infertility?

Multiple factors can contribute to female infertility. Some of the more prominent female infertility causes include:

Ovulatory Dysfunction: Ovulation irregularity or absence is one of the major contributors to female infertility.

Blockage in Fallopian Tubes: Obstacles in the fallopian tubes may prevent an egg from meeting its partner sperm and becoming fertilized.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS can interfere with ovulation and hormone balance.

Endometriosis: This condition causes tissue that mimics uterine lining to grow outside the uterus, leading to infertility.

Age: Age is a key factor in fertility decline.

How Does Age Impact Female Infertility?

Fertility tends to decline gradually after the age of 30, with a more significant drop at around 35. Maternal age may lead to decreased egg quality and increase the risk of pregnancy complications.

Lifestyle Issues Play A Role In Female Infertility

Lifestyle factors can have a direct influence on female fertility. Here are a few considerations:

Smoking: Cigarettes have the power to damage both egg quality and reproductive organs, leading to serious consequences for their users.

Diet and Weight: For optimal fertility, eating well and maintaining a healthy weight are both integral parts of success.

Stress: Chronic stress can negatively alter hormone balance and have an adverse impact on fertility.

Natural Remedies for Female Infertility:

While no natural remedy can guarantee pregnancy, lifestyle modifications, and alternative therapies may aid fertility. Here are some of the natural remedies to get pregnant fast:

Lifestyle Modifications: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is integral for fertility. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins should be the foundation of your fertility journey, with regular physical exercise helping regulate hormones and improve overall health benefits. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption or smoking which could have detrimental effects on fertility.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Both underweight and overweight women may experience fertility issues, yet achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can improve fertility by regulating menstrual cycles and hormone levels.

Reduce Stress: Stressful situations can disrupt hormone balance and decrease fertility, so incorporate stress-relief techniques such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness into your daily life to promote emotional well-being and emotional well-being.

Herbal Remedies: Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) and evening primrose oil may help maintain hormonal equilibrium and regulate menstrual cycles, though prior consultation with your healthcare provider should always be sought as they could potentially interact with medications or have side effects.

Dietary Supplements: Nutritional supplements like folic acid, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and omega-3 fatty acids may aid fertility. Before adding supplements to your diet, always consult with a healthcare provider first in order to ensure they are safe and appropriate.

Enhancing cervical mucus: Some women use an expectorant found in cough medicine – Guaifenesin – in order to increase cervical mucus production and ensure sufficient levels for transport of sperm.

Timing Intercourse: Tracking your menstrual cycle and having sexual relations during your most fertile days can increase your chances of conception. Apps and ovulation prediction kits can assist in pinpointing this window of fertile time.

How Can Female Infertility Be Diagnosed?

Diagnosing female infertility involves various fertility tests for women, including:

Ovulation Tracking: Monitoring basal body temperature and cervical mucus changes for signs of ovulation.

Hormone Tests: Blood tests designed to evaluate hormone levels involved with ovulation.

Imaging: Ultrasound and hysterosalpingography can be used to observe reproductive organs visually.

Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy is an advanced, minimally invasive surgical technique to diagnose conditions like endometriosis.

What Are the Risk Factors for Female Infertility?

Multiple factors can increase the risk of female infertility, such as:

  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Obesity
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Exposure to environmental toxins

Female Infertility Treatment:

Female infertility treatment should focus on treating its root causes. Possible interventions could include:

Medication: Medication for fertility is used to promote ovulation.

Surgery: These interventions use precision to clear away blockages, cysts, or endometrial tissue that have caused blockages or obstructions.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): ART includes procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a healthier lifestyle through diet and exercise.


Female infertility is a challenging issue affecting many women and couples worldwide. Understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment options is crucial to those facing it. Although fertility issues can be troubling, seeking medical advice as soon as possible and exploring various treatment options can significantly increase the chances of conception. Furthermore, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and considering natural remedies may complement medical interventions to support overall reproductive health and fertility. To get professional help for female fertility issues and to treat it from the root contact Dr. Mazen IVF today. Dr. Mazen is a leading fertility and IVF expert with over 20 years of experience

Female Infertility FAQs

Can Female Infertility Be Treated or Managed? 

Fertility issues among women can usually be managed or treated, depending on their cause. Treatment options could range from medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes to assisted reproductive technologies like IVF – however, success rates vary, consulting a fertility specialist like Dr. Mazen Dayeh for more personalized guidance in finding solutions tailored specifically to an individual.

How to test if a woman is infertile?

Female fertility tests typically assess ovulation, fallopian tube function, uterine health, and hormone levels to ascertain fertility issues. Such assessments might involve blood tests, ultrasound imaging, hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy, and monitoring menstrual cycles.

What are the signs of female infertility?

Some indicators of female infertility could include irregular periods, painful menstruation cycles, hormonal imbalances, or PCOS. However, many cases have no obvious symptoms, making fertility testing necessary. 

How can I test female fertility at home?

In-home fertility tests typically focus on tracking ovulation using an ovulation predictor kit or monitoring basal body temperature; however, these methods only provide limited information and should not be seen as comprehensive diagnostic tools.

Can UTI cause infertility in females?

Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) tend not to lead to infertility; however, if a UTI spreads to reproductive organs or leads to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), this could potentially affect fertility.

Does smoking cause infertility in women?

Yes, smoking can affect female fertility and lead to decreased ovarian reserves and irregular menstrual cycles that increase the risk of miscarriage and early menopause, making conception more challenging.

Can Chlamydia Cause Infertility in Females? 

Untreated Chlamydia infections in women may result in Primary Infection Disorder, damaging fallopian tubes and leading to infertility. Early detection and treatment are key in order to avoid long-term reproductive consequences of an undiagnosed Chlamydia infection.

What is IVF and the success rate of IVF in Dubai?

What is IVF and the success rate of IVF in Dubai?

In the realm of reproductive medicine, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) offers hope to thousands of couples struggling with infertility. Millions have used IVF successfully, thanks to advances in technology and IVF specialists like Dr. Mazen Dayeh in Dubai – IVF is now widely sought-after solution and we will discuss its intricacies and also success rates associated with IVF procedures. Here, we will delve into IVF procedures while examining Dr. Dayeh’s impressive IVF success rate in this blog.

What Is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)?

In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF is an innovative assisted reproductive technology used to overcome infertility issues among couples. This process involves artificial fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the human body in a laboratory setting; when fertilization takes place, its fertilized embryo is then transferred back into a woman’s uterus where it will implant and transform into pregnancy.

How Does IVF Work?

Ovulation Stimulation: The initial step in IVF treatment involves stimulating the ovaries with hormone medications in order to produce multiple eggs at one time. The goal is retrieving multiple mature eggs as soon as possible so as to increase success rates and boost chances.

Egg Retrieval: Once eggs have reached maturity, a minor surgical procedure called egg retrieval takes place. A thin needle is guided through the vaginal wall in order to collect them from their respective ovaries.

Sperm Collection and Fertilization: Once collected from your partner, and prepared for fertilization and monitored to ensure successful fertilization and the formation of embryos.  When this process has taken place successfully, embryos begin forming.

Embryo Culture: Once created, embryos must be cultured for several days to ensure viability and development.

Transfer: Only healthy embryos are selected and transferred into the woman’s uterus through this non-anesthetic procedure.

Pregnancy Test: After embryo transfer, it is advised to conduct a pregnancy test approximately 10-14 days later to ascertain its success and determine if pregnancy occurs.

What is the Success Rate of IVF in Dubai?

IVF success rate in Dubai can differ significantly depending on several factors such as IVF clinic in Dubai, patient age and infertility cause as well as expertise of medical team – however Dr. Mazen Dayeh has demonstrated outstanding IVF success rates due to his unique IVF expertise.

Dr. Mazen Dayeh’s over 20 years of experience in IVF is legendary, earning him an impeccable reputation and outstanding success rate of 70% in IVF treatments. This remarkable accomplishment shows his devotion to helping couples realize their dreams of parenthood. Dr. Dayeh’s dedication and expertise has successfully established Dr. Mazen IVF Clinic as the best IVF clinic in Dubai and also the IVF clinic with highest success rates in Dubai.

Dr. Dayeh’s success rates should not be seen as just statistics; rather they represent couples who have experienced parenthood under his guidance and demonstrate his dedication to providing personalized, effective, and ethical fertility treatments.

What Factors Affect IVF Success?

Understanding all the variables impacting IVF success is paramount for couples considering this option:

Age: Age is an integral component of IVF success. Younger women typically have higher success rates as their eggs tend to be healthier. Dr. Dayeh tailors treatment plans specifically to the age-related factors of each patient.

Cause of Infertility: The source of infertility plays an instrumental role in its success as treated through IVF. Factors such as tubal issues, sperm quality and ovarian reserve can have profound impacts on outcomes.

Reproductive History: A woman’s reproductive history, including miscarriages or failed IVF attempts in the past, can have an effect on success rates of future attempts at conception.

Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol consumption and body weight can have an effect on IVF success. Dr. Dayeh provides guidance for making lifestyle modifications to optimize results.

Treatment Protocol: The IVF treatment protocol chosen by medical team can have a profound impact on success rates. Medication dosage and type are two major considerations here, and may ultimately determine its success rate.

Success Rate of IVF on the First Attempt

Success rate of IVF first attempt vary between individuals depending on factors like their age, health status and the underlying cause of infertility. With Dr. Dayeh’s expertise and customized treatment plans many couples in Dubai have achieved success on their first IVF attempt.

Age plays an essential part in IVF success rates. Here is how IVF success rates by age are influenced:

Under 35: Women aged 35 or below have higher success rates with an estimated 40% to 60% chance of live birth per cycle.

35 to 37: For women in this age group, success rates of IVF decrease slightly with an estimated live birth rate between 35% to 45%.

38-40: IVF success rates continue to decline among women aged 38-40 with live birth rates between 20%-35%.

Women Over 40: Women who are over 40 face the lowest success rates when trying to conceive, with approximately 10%-20% live birth rates.

These figures should only be seen as general guidelines and will differ based on individual circumstances. Dr. Dayeh’s expertise allows him to tailor treatment plans specifically tailored to each patient, no matter their age, and maximize their chances of success.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an incredible medical advancement, giving hope and joy to couples around the world including Dubai. Thanks to Dr. Mazen Dayeh’s skill and commitment, IVF success rates in Dubai have reached new heights – reaching up to 70% success rates under his care! He is widely revered as one of the best IVF doctors in Dubai.

Age and other variables can have an effect on IVF success rates; Dr. Dayeh’s tailored approach to treatment addresses them all to increase chances of a positive result. Couples struggling with infertility in Dubai may find hope through IVF therapy in Dr. Dayeh’s capable hands, offering hope on their journey toward parenthood.



Does IVF have 100% success rate?

IVF (in vitro fertilization) does not boast a 100% success rate. Success of IVF treatments depends on several factors, such as patient age and health status, quality of eggs and sperm collected for IVF cycles, expertise of clinic and doctor involved, etc. Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai has high IVF success rates that can give more accurate insight based on your individual circumstances. For more information regarding in vitro fertilization solutions for Dubai residents please contact Dr. Mazen IVF today for further assistance with fertility.

What is the Cost of IVF in Dubai?

Cost estimates for IVF treatment in Dubai typically range between AED 20,000-35,000 per cycle, though prices can differ between clinics or be affected by additional medications and therapies prescribed to each woman. It is wise to speak with experts and inquire about pricing structures when planning IVF treatments in Dubai.

What is the best age for IVF?

Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai can offer guidance to determine what age would be ideal for their specific situation. In general, women in their late 20s to early 30s tend to experience higher success rates with IVF due to having higher egg quality. Our IVF clinic can also provide tailored guidance regarding when is best time for you.

How long does IVF take to get pregnant?

How quickly a woman becomes pregnant through IVF may vary significantly, depending on age, underlying fertility issues, and number of cycles required. Consultation with IVF experts like at Dr. Mazen IVF Clinic in Dubai may be invaluable to managing expectations more appropriately.

Is IVF usually successful the first time?

IVF success on the first attempt cannot be guaranteed; however, clinics with the highest success rates, like Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai, have reported first-time success rates between 40% to 60%. Age and overall health may have an influence over such figures.

Are IVF babies normal?

IVF babies are generally considered healthy and normal, with success rates depending on various factors. Top IVF clinics such as Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai prioritize mother and child health and wellbeing during the IVF process.

Which stage of IVF is most difficult?

Individual experiences vary when it comes to IVF treatment; however, early phases such as ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval tend to be physically demanding. Finding a clinic with proven success rates and experienced doctors can help ease these difficulties.

How can I make my IVF successful at first attempt?

IVF success on your first attempt can vary from clinic to clinic and other factors. To increase your odds of success and enhance chances of conception, consult with IVF experts, adhere to medical advice and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Is second IVF more successful than first?

Second IVF attempts may be slightly more successful, as doctors learn from previous cycles and adjust accordingly. Still, success rates depend heavily on individual circumstances – so consulting experienced IVF doctors such as those found at Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai is important for success.

Are IVF children happy?

Children born through IVF are generally happy and healthy, with their well-being dependent on parental care and support. High success rate IVF clinics like Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai prioritize the health and happiness of both parents and children.

Can I choose gender with IVF?

Gender selection with IVF is possible through a procedure called Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). This technique is available at some IVF clinics, including those in Dubai. Consult with IVF experts to discuss the options and availability of gender selection.

How to calculate pregnancy weeks after IVF?

To calculate pregnancy weeks after IVF, the date of embryo transfer is considered the starting point. Counting from this date, you can estimate pregnancy weeks as you would in a natural pregnancy. Consult with your IVF clinic, like Dr. Mazen IVF in Dubai, for specific guidance on tracking your pregnancy’s progress.

Tips to Boost Male Fertility & Sperm Count

What is Male Fertility? Tips to Boost Male Fertility & Sperm Count

Male fertility plays an essential role in conception. It refers to a man’s ability to impregnate a woman successfully. One factor affecting male fertility is the quality and quantity of sperm produced; we will discuss these basics, the factors influencing it, and methods to improve both counts and quality in this blog post.

What Is Male Fertility?

Male fertility refers to the ability of male sperm to fertilize female eggs, leading to conception successfully. This process depends on various factors, including count, motility (ability to swim), morphology (shape and size of sperm), overall health status, and chances of successful conception. A low sperm count or poor-quality sperm can significantly lower the chances of successful conception.

Factors That Affecting Male Fertility in Modern Era:

Lifestyle Habits: Adopting unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse or leading a sedentary lifestyle can harm male fertility and health.

Diet and Nutrition: A well-rounded diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids is critical for optimal sperm production.

Stress: Chronic Stress may impede hormone production, interfering with sperm production.

Age: While men can produce sperm throughout their lives, as they get older, their quality declines, and fertility may decrease significantly.

Environmental Factors: Exposure to toxins, radiation, and excessive heat sources such as saunas, hot tubs, or laptops on your lap can negatively impact sperm health.

Tips to Increase Male Fertility and Sperm Count:

Consider Conducting a Male Fertility Test: If you and your partner have difficulty conceiving, consider conducting a male fertility test to assess sperm count, motility and morphology. Semen analysis is a standard test used to evaluate male fertility and identify potential issues.

At Dr. Mazen IVF, we have modular facilities to perform fertility test for men. Our experts use latest techniques to perform the best male fertility test.

Adopt a Healthy Diet: Focus on adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats such as vitamins C & E, as well as selenium and zinc for optimal sperm health.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity can reduce male fertility, so strive to maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and eating healthily.

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption: Since smoking and excessive alcohol intake can erode sperm quality, limiting both can improve it.

Manage Stress Effectively: Engage in stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation or hobbies to effectively manage your Stress.

Avoid Excessive Heat and Toxins: To protect sperm health, avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures (e.g. hot baths or saunas) or environmental toxins for extended periods.

Exercise regularly: Engaging in moderate physical activity can support hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.

How to Increase Sperm Count 

Reducing Sexual Activity: Since frequent ejaculation may lower sperm count, taking some days of abstinence before trying for conception can increase the concentration of sperm cells and help ensure their successful release into your cycle.

Consider Supplements: Certain supplements like zinc, coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine have been associated with increased sperm count and motility. As with all treatments or remedies, please seek professional advice before beginning any new regimens of supplements.

Address Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances can significantly diminish sperm production. For optimal sperm health, consult a male fertility doctor to address hormonal issues.

How to Increase Sperm Thickness and Strength

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats such as vitamins C & E, as well as zinc, selenium, and coenzyme Q10, may positively affect sperm health.

Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity may help improve sperm quality; however, engaging in excessively intense workouts could have adverse side effects; therefore, moderation should always be observed.

Avoid Harmful Substances: Alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, and excessive caffeine consumption can hinder sperm production and function.

Wear loose-fitting underwear: Clothing or underwear that restricts testicular temperature could interfere with its proper function and negatively affect sperm production.

Avoid Hot Baths and Saunas: Prolonged exposure to excessive heat may temporarily reduce sperm production and motility, potentially impairing their success in mating.

Reduce exposure: Reduce exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals and industrial chemicals that might affect our health and well-being.

Consider supplements: Doctors may recommend certain supplements to enhance sperm quality. As always, consult a healthcare professional before taking any such medication, as some might not be appropriate for everyone.

Regular health checkups: Certain medical conditions, infections, and hormonal imbalances can impact sperm quality; regular check-ups and male fertility tests can help identify and address potential issues.


Male fertility is an integral factor of conception. By understanding its fundamentals and adopting healthy lifestyle practices, men can significantly enhance sperm count and quality. If couples are having trouble conceiving, consulting a male fertility doctor at Dr. Mazen IVF could increase their chances of successful conception. Dr. Mazen is a leading fertility expert in Dubai with over 20 years of experience in offering fertility treatment. With his expertise and knowledge, he has helped several couples with fertility issues. If you too are facing any fertility issues, then contact Dr. Mazen today.


What foods increase sperm count?

Walnuts, citrus fruits, spinach and zinc-rich foods such as oysters and pumpkin seeds may all help increase sperm count.

What age are men fertile?

Men typically remain fertile from puberty (about 12-16 years) until old age.

What age is the best for sperm quality?

Sperm quality typically peaks for men during their late teens and early 30s.

How fertile are men after 30?

Men over 30 may still be fertile, though their sperm quality may diminish over time.

Is 30 too old to have a baby for men?

No age is considered too old for men to start having children; many men have fathered children even as late as their 40s or beyond.

At what age does sperm quality decline?

Sperm quality generally begins to decline gradually after age 40.

How are fertility tests done in males?

Fertility tests on males typically include semen analysis to measure sperm count, motility, and morphology.

How can I test my sperm fertility?

Men who want to test sperm fertility typically undergo semen analysis by providing a sample for examination.

How much does a male fertility test cost in the UAE?

Male fertility test cost typically range in price from AED 500 to AED 1500 depending on which clinic and what examination are performed, with clinic costs fluctuating accordingly.

Are male fertility tests expensive?

Male fertility tests can be expensive; male fertility test cost will depend on your location, clinic and which tests you require.

Male Infertility Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Male Infertility: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Male infertility is an often-overlooked issue affecting millions of couples around the world. While much attention is usually devoted to female fertility issues, male infertility should also be recognized as a significant cause of conception difficulties. In this blog post, we will examine various forms of male infertility, including its prevalence, different types, symptoms, causes, diagnostic methods, and potential male infertility treatments in Dubai available for each type of male infertility.

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility refers to a man’s inability to impregnate a woman despite regular, unprotected sexual intercourse, possibly due to factors that impair his sperm’s quality, quantity, motility, or functionality—all essential elements in successful fertilization.

How Common Is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is more widespread than many realize, affecting around 7-8% of men worldwide. Male factors account for 30–40% of infertility cases, while 20–30% involves both sexes as contributing factors. There are different types of male infertility that contribute.

Types of Male Infertility

There are various forms of male infertility, including:

  1. Azoospermia: When no sperm are present in an ejaculate. This could be caused by either blockages in the reproductive tract or issues with producing enough sperm.
  2. Oligospermia: It refers to a low sperm count, where the semen contains fewer sperm than normal. This can reduce the chances of fertilization.
  3. Asthenospermia: This condition is characterized by poor sperm motility, hindering their ability to reach and fertilize an egg.
  4. Teratospermia: Teratospermia refers to abnormal sperm morphology, meaning their shape and structure has changed, diminishing their ability to fertilize an egg.

Symptoms of Male Infertility:

Male infertility often does not present with obvious symptoms other than the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse, although certain underlying conditions that cause infertility may manifest as hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, pain in or swelling around the testicles, or a history of pelvic surgery as potential indicators.

Causes of Male Infertility:

Male infertility may result from various sources, including:

  1. Varicocele: One of the primary causes of male infertility, varicocele is an enlargement of veins within the scrotum that reduces sperm quality, leading to male infertility.
  2. Hormonal Imbalances: Low testosterone, FSH, or LH levels may impede sperm production.
  3. Genetic Disorders: Genetic conditions may interfere with sperm production or function, leading to reduced production or function.
  4. Infections: Sexually transmitted infections or any infection of the reproductive tract can contribute to infertility.
  5. Ejaculation Problems: Retrograde ejaculation (where semen is retained within the bladder instead of being expelled as intended) or premature ejaculation can create fertility issues and ultimately impact pregnancy outcomes.
  6. Environmental Factors: Being exposed to toxic materials, radiation, or excessive heat can interfere with sperm production and significantly decrease sperm count.

Diagnosis of Male infertility

Diagnosing male infertility involves an assessment of medical history, lifestyle factors, and several tests, such as semen analysis to measure sperm count, motility, and morphology, as well as hormone level tests, genetic screenings, and imaging studies to detect any anatomical anomalies.

Difference Between Sterility and Infertility in Males

Although both terms can often be used interchangeably, they do have distinct definitions. Sterility refers to an inability to conceive at all and is therefore a permanent condition, while infertility refers to difficulty achieving pregnancy while still leaving open the possibility of conception; both conditions can be temporary or treatable.

Can Infertility be treated?

Many cases of male infertility are treatable and reversible. Treatment depends on its underlying cause; lifestyle changes like adopting healthier eating patterns, cutting back on alcohol and tobacco usage, and managing stress may improve sperm quality and lead to conception.

Male Infertility Treatment Options

Male infertility treatment involves:

  1. a) Medication: Hormonal imbalances may be corrected through medication to increase sperm production and treat male infertility issues.
  2. b) Surgery: Surgery can help address varicoceles or rectify blockages in the reproductive tract, providing relief from symptoms like varicoceles.
  3. c) Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): When all else fails, assisted reproductive techniques like Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) may help achieve pregnancy in some instances.
  4. d) Sperm Retrieval Techniques: Sperm can be extracted directly from testicles and epididymis for use in assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures when necessary, in cases of obstructive azoospermia.


Male infertility is a widespread yet often underestimated condition among couples worldwide, making understanding its symptoms, causes, and available treatment options essential to those affected by it. Thanks to advances in medicine and various treatment modalities available today, many cases of male infertility have been successfully addressed, providing hope to couples striving to become parents. If either you or your partner suspect issues related to infertility, seeking guidance from the best doctor for male infertility with expertise in fertility can assist your journey toward parenthood.

At Dr. Mazen IVF Clinic, we have the latest technologies and skilled fertility experts to help you in your fertility journey. Book an appointment with us to know the best line of treatment for your infertility issues. 

Male Infertility FAQs:

How to Treat Male Infertility Naturally? 

Treating male infertility naturally may involve lifestyle modifications such as following a healthy diet, regularly engaging in physical activity, and relieving stress through relaxation techniques like yoga and massage as well as ensuring adequate restful sleep. Furthermore, herbal supplements like Ashwagandha and Maca Root may have shown potential in enhancing male fertility.

What is the best male infertility test?

A comprehensive semen analysis can be an ideal test to detect male infertility issues, examining factors like sperm count, motility, morphology and more. Hormonal and genetic testing may also be done to uncover root causes of infertility.

What are the signs of male infertility? 

Among other symptoms, signs of male infertility include difficulty in conceiving after more than a year of unprotected intercourse; abnormal semen analysis results; low sex drive; erectile dysfunction and hormonal imbalances are some indicators.

What can I do if My Male Partner Is Infertile? 

If your male partner is infertile, it is essential that they seek medical advice immediately. Seek advice from a fertility specialist, who will identify its cause as well as suggest suitable treatments like assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF or ICSI to address it.

Can Men Regain Fertility Again? 

In some instances, yes. Restoration depends on the cause of infertility; with appropriate medical interventions and lifestyle modifications, fertility may improve significantly.

What natural treatments exist to address male infertility?

Common natural solutions for male infertility include adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritiously, managing stress effectively, and limiting exposure to environmental toxins; additionally herbal supplements with proven benefits like zinc or folic acid might be of assistance.

My Boyfriend Is Infertile. Can I Still Become Pregnant?

Absolutely, even if your partner is infertile, artificial insemination, IVF or ICSI may still help you become pregnant through donor or surgically extracted sperm retrieval techniques.

Does smoking lead to infertility in males?

Yes, smoking can contribute to male infertility by decreasing sperm count, damaging DNA in sperm, and decreasing motility. Therefore, quitting smoking is highly recommended to improve fertility.

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