
Tag Archives: pregnancy

How to Overcome Morning Sickness

There is nothing more beautiful than the journey of becoming the mother

The joy of nurturing life within you can sometimes be overshadowed by the challenges that come with it. One of the worst happiness killers is morning sickness. Doctors of  IVF in Dubai estimate that morning sickness is experienced by 70% of women in the early stages of pregnancy. Some feel sick the entire day, while most get green skin after waking up.


If you have morning sickness, some tips suggested by gynecology treatments could help stop them and improve your condition.


Destress Your Mind


Morning sickness is not just a result of your physical changes but also emotional. Try to relax and enjoy and avoid overthinking about your day ahead. Take some time off, as you deserve every ounce of care you can get. Your pregnancy calculator tells you that your body’s working overtime, so give yourself a break and rest as much as you can.


Avoid Nauseous Smells


Most times, morning sickness is associated with smells. Certain smells can turn your tummy and make you nauseous, back out of the room where these smells prevail. If you can’t get an outlet, sniff some pleasant scents you should carry with you. Lemon extract is just as effective as fresh rosemary. These sniffles will prove to be a barrier between you and the vile odor.


Identify Your Nausea Patterns


Although your sickness may seem immediate and random, it almost always has a pattern. Be observant of your surroundings while it’s happening to you. It might be the smell of your neighbors’ cooking or a garbage truck passing. Once you identify the triggers, it will be easier to avoid them. Morning sickness is usually severe in the early months of pregnancy. Check your pregnancy calculator to see how long it is expected to go on.


Identifying the Food triggers


Gynecology treatments specialists are of the view that getting an adequate amount of water inside your body is essential, although difficult, while you’re feeling nauseous. Lack of liquid can increase the intensity of morning sickness. Also, the food that you eat has an immense impact. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Pregnancy can be very tricky, and every woman is unique.


Track which foods are easy to keep down and increase them in your diet. In contrast, the foods that trigger sickness should be avoided. Also, do not overeat and take in more calories than you should. Adequate nutrition and hydration can keep you going strong.


IVF doctors advise trying to consume small meals throughout the day instead of huge ones to keep your digestive system running smoothly. In addition, keep healthy nibblers within reach throughout the day, and especially after getting up, to stabilize your blood sugar level and stave off nausea and sickness.


How Often Should You Feel Your Baby Move?

The first kick you feel inside brings exciting sensations with it. It is proof that your baby is alive and healthy. Every unique individual has her own movement pace. Knowing your baby’s movement patterns are important as no two babies in this world are alike. Familiarising yourself can warn you when to rush to the hospital and contact a doctor as it is unwise to wait.


When does the Baby’s Movement Start?


Your pregnancy calculator can be a good help in keeping a check. According to the pregnancy calculator, baby movement should start around the period of 18 weeks to 20 weeks. In second and third pregnancies, it might start 2 weeks earlier. Some babies are very active, and hence they roll and swish a lot. As time goes by, you can distinctly feel the kicks and jabs as your skin stretches tighter over the womb. Kicks on the ribs, in later days, might even hurt.


How often Does Movement Occur?


As you feel your baby start moving for the first time, the movements will keep growing with time. When you’re busy, you might not notice the baby’s movements.


Usually, babies move at certain times during the day. If you sleep, that doesn’t mean that the baby is also sleeping. According to IVF doctors, unborn babies take naps for 20 to 40 minutes or sometimes just a bit more. Baby movements can be noticed better when you’re lying down and paying attention.


According to the doctors of IVF in Dubai, in the third trimester, the movement of the baby becomes very frequent. As your baby grows in your womb, space to move lessens. Now your baby needs more force to roll or squirm. Healthy babies even move during labor.


How to Track Your Baby’s Movements?


IVF doctors in Dubai do not recommend counting your baby’s kicks. This is because each child is unique and no standard number of kicks is necessary. If you pay attention closely, you will identify a pattern your baby follows for movements. This pattern watch can alert you if things do not go as usual, and you can take prompt action.

If your baby’s movement pattern is disturbed, immediately seek medical help.



Steps to Take if Your Baby’s Movement Pattern Gets Disturbed


As you are the one who knows the baby’s movement patterns, you should immediately contact your doctor or the midwife if it gets disturbed. Even if these movement patterns were false alarms and things are fine, you should absolutely rule out the possibility of any danger and immediately seek professional help.


IVF in Dubai is a common procedure but couples who get pregnant with IVF treatment are usually more worried about their baby’s growth in the womb. If you have got your treatment from a renowned IVF clinic in Dubai, your doctor will provide you with detailed guidelines about your baby’s movement.