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How To Know if You Should Freeze Your eggs?

Cryopreservation of mature eggs, also known as egg freezing, is a method for preserving women’s reproductive potential.

Typically, frozen, unfertilized eggs harvested from your ovaries are saved for future use. The egg can be defrosted, merged with sperm in the laboratory, and placed in your uterus via IVF.

Based on your needs and reproductive history, your IVF doctors can explain how the egg freezing procedure works and whether this practice of preserving your fertility is the right fit for you.

Depending on the patient’s situation, female infertility specialists can help determine whether eggs should be frozen. While egg freezing is unnecessary for every woman, it brings many women peace of mind.

Who Should Freeze Eggs?

These women are great candidates to preserve their eggs and get IVF in Dubai.

  • Women who want to postpone motherhood

Getting pregnant may be easier if you freeze your eggs at a young age. Women’s fertility peaks in their 20s and declines when they reach their 30s, so a woman wanting to defer becoming a mother until her late thirties or forties should think about freezing eggs.  IVF doctors generally don’t recommend egg freezing to women over 37.

  • Women at risk of infertility 

Egg freezing may be a good option for women with the loss of ovarian functionality or a family history of early menopause before the age of 40. Diseases such as sickle cell anaemia and lupus can contribute to female infertility.


  • Patients suffering from cancer

Women undergoing cancer treatments often opt to freeze their eggs to preserve their fertility. Radiation and chemotherapy may damage the ovaries and reduce a woman’s ovarian reserve. Taking gynaecology treatment and egg freezing before cancer treatment might enable you to have biological offspring later.


These are the main reasons why people freeze eggs. Nonetheless, this method can be used by any woman who wants to extend her fertility. Before you make decision, get gynaecology treatment for to rule out infertility. There are many clinics that offer IVF in Dubai.

3 Signs Your Period Cycle is Healthy

Women’s period is composed of blood and the lining of the uterus

Rising estrogen levels during each period cycle trigger the ovary to release an egg (ovulation). The uterus lining also thickens during this time.


In the final half of the cycle, progesterone prepares the uterus for embryo implantation. Fallopian tubes transport the egg. The egg is absorbed into the body again if pregnancy does not occur. Estrogen and progesterone levels decline, and the body sheds the uterus lining.


Here are a few hallmarks that indicate a normal and healthy period cycle:


  1. It Arrives on Time.


Your period should appear once per month. It can vary depending on the woman, but every 25 to 35 days is considered normal. These dates are calculated from the first day of bleeding during one period to the first day of bleeding during the next period. According to IVF doctors an early or late period may be a sign of hormonal imbalance. One of the common menstrual irregularities is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which brings several complications. This metabolic imbalance might require gynaecology treatments. Getting IVF in Dubai will provide you peace of mind with the infertility issue arising due to PCOS.


  1. You Don’t Have Excruciating Pain.


Pain signals that something is wrong with your body. A little discomfort is normal, but any pain beyond this can signify that you have a hormonal or inflammatory imbalance. It could also mean you might have serious complications such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, or fibroids. Some of these disorders might require gynaecology treatments. You can consult IVF doctors at a reputed IVF clinic in Dubai for your issues.


  1. Cervical Fluid Changes Throughout Your Cycle.


As your menstrual cycle progresses, your cervical mucus changes colour, volume, and texture. A few days before ovulation, your mucus is dry, thick, and white. Right around ovulation, your cervical fluid will become transparent and slimy. It is because of this consistency that pregnancy occurs at ovulation.

If your menstrual irregularities are hindering your pregnancy, an IVF clinic in Dubai is the way to go. With all the advancement in medical field, getting IVF in Dubai is a great option for local women.

10 PCOS Symptoms You Can’t Ignore – #5 Will Surprise You!

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder affecting millions of women

For the body to function properly, it needs both “male” (androgen) and “female” estrogen hormones, but a woman with PCOS has too much of the male kind.

The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but IVF doctors believe high insulin levels are to blame. Your genes and being overweight play a role in increasing your chances of developing it. There is no cure for this condition, but you can manage it with gynaecology treatments.

Women often discover they have PCOS when they face female infertility. There are many symptoms of this condition, but you may not experience all of them.

PCOS Symptoms:

There are several signs and symptoms associated with PCOS.

  1. Excessive hair growth. Hair can appear in unwanted areas such as breasts, chin, face, or stomach.
  2. Hair loss. Loss of hair may be a symptom of PCOS in women, worsening as they age.
  3. Acne or oily skin. PCOS can cause oily skin and pimples due to hormonal changes.
  4. Skin darkening. You may notice dark, thick spots under your arms, breasts, or neck.
  5. Problem sleeping or feeling tired all the time. You could have trouble falling asleep. Perhaps you have sleep apnea, which means you wake up feeling unrested even when you sleep.
  6. Hormone surges associated with PCOS can also cause headaches.
  7. Heavy periods. PCOS can cause big changes in the menstrual cycle, including frequent periods and heavy bleeding.
  8. Inconsistent periods. You may skip a few months, or you may not get your period every month.
  9. Having difficulty conceiving. The most common reason of female infertility is PCOS. IVF in Dubai is a great option to get pregnant sooner.
  10. Weight gain. Most women with PCOS gain weight fast or find it difficult to lose pounds.

Contact an IVF doctor and find out about IVF in Dubai. There are gynecological treatments you can try to alleviate some of the PCOS symptoms. If your PCOS led to cancer, you could discuss cancer and fertility preservation options.

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ALSO Read: How Does PCOS Affect Fertility in Women?

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Sperm

The infertility issue plagues many couples, and they seek help to become pregnant, but it is usually viewed as a woman’s problem. According to a study, about 35% of couples experiencing infertility also experience male infertility get IVF in Dubai.


Nutrition directly impacts sperm health, so hopeful fathers need to monitor their diets.  According to IVF doctors you can increase your chances of conceiving by eating fertility-friendly foods.


Foods to Increase Sperm Health


Below are some fertility foods you should add to your diet to ensure healthier sperm:


  1. Fruits and Vegetables


According to semen analysis at a fertility clinic, men who ate more fruits and vegetables had healthier sperm compared to those who ate less. Antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables can help keep sperm healthy and prevent male infertility.

You can get vitamins from mangoes, avocados, spinach and broccoli, oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit, and sweet potatoes.


  1. Oysters

In comparison to other foods, oysters contain the most zinc per serving. Foods rich in zinc increase sperm motility and semen volume in men.

You can also obtain zinc from beef, dairy, poultry, nuts, beans, whole grains, and eggs.


  1. Seeds

IVF doctors recommend filling up on omega-3s by consuming chia seeds, flaxseed, or sunflower seeds, which carry vitamin E and added antioxidants that can enhance sperm quality.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in contain omega-3 fatty acids as well as zinc, both of which can enhance sperm quality.


  1. Nuts

Nuts enhance sperm quality and function. It has been shown that walnuts boost sperm quality significantly. Walnuts are loaded with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Other nuts rich in antioxidants include almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, and pine nuts and pecans. The antioxidant content of peanuts is also impressive.


  1. Fish

Sperm from fertile men has a higher omega-3 content than infertile men. Fish like herring, salmon, and sardines can provide omega-3 acids to help with healthy sperm.

Studies have linked higher fish consumption with improved sperm motility. Omega-3 fatty acids

in fish are likely to play a role in benefiting sperm health.


Get a semen analysis done for your peace of mind before getting IVF in Dubai.

Men Role in Getting Pregnant

The majority of individuals associate conception health with women. But it is a misconception as preconception health is equally crucial for men. Men may take steps to improve their fitness and the health of their wives by seeking help from professionals. Obtaining accurate advice and assessments is necessary for pregnancy and for family planning. Men can adopt a variety of lifestyle improvements to help them play their part in pregnancy.

Some Common Issues Men should Consider before Trying

Being significantly obese or underweight may harm a man’s fertility and drag him to the point where he faces the problem of infertility. Taking a balanced diet rich in vitamins, veggies, unprocessed foods, carbohydrates, and dairy, as well as engaging in outdoor exercise, can support him achieve or stay at a balanced weight. Addictions that might cause infertility should be avoided.

Toxic compounds, including toxic substances and industrial chemicals, might enhance the proportion of broken sperm; therefore, men who plan for conceiving soon should minimize their contact with these by taking special measures during working hours. Men who consume many soft drinks or caffeinated drinks have a lower sperm count and quality.

Make an Appointment with IVF Doctors

Male infertility is faced by plenty of couples out there. A comprehensive evaluation before attempting to conceive will provide men with an assessment of their overall health and reproductive condition. Some couples become pregnant quickly, while others take longer. However, if you have not conceived in more than a year, you may have male infertility. You should seek immediate medical attention from an IVF specialist if this is the case.

What to do?

Schedule a quick appointment if you or your partner is growing anxious about your family planning. Medical science has made unbelievable advancements in the field of infertility. Infertility specialist doctors will help you find out the best treatment for you.

IVF in Dubai is now a very common and successful procedure.  Doctors for IVF in Dubai are specialists in treating both men and women for infertility problems. Hence, the best thing you can do to treat your infertility is to visit the best IVF doctor in Dubai. He will ask you certain questions to assess your lifestyle and will suggest some changes. Moreover, he will find the best suitable treatment for you.