
Do you have queries for IVF Process?

Fertility treatments

One of the best feelings in life is starting a family. It may become difficult for a few couples sometimes or some couples may take a little longer to conceive. It is understood by the experts how important conceiving is for couples, and how frustrating infertility can be.

But with the emerging technology, modern medicine & cutting-edge expertise brings a hope for many couples. We are famous for being the leading IVF & Fertility centre in Dubai for the treatment of ART in the UAE. Every year, thousands of couples are offered with the most advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) expertise. The experts offer a compassionate approach to fertility management while ensuring that every step of your journey to conception is memorable.


IVF is a treatment that involves the management of infertility. During

In-vitro Fertilization the fertilization of the egg and the sperm is induced in a laboratory resulting in the development of embryos. After the formation of embryos, they are placed into the uterus expecting the chances of conception in women. It is prescribed that you rest for a day before continuing with your everyday life.

IVF is mostly recommended for the couples when they have been diagnosed with:

  • A low sperm count
  • Poor egg quality
  • Anovulation
  • Reduced mobility of the sperms
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Genetic diseases


Introducing Multi-Disciplinary Approach:

The professionals believe that every couple is different with their unique particular requirements. Thus a multi-disciplinary team of internists, psychologists and nutritionists work efficiently in this field to ensure that each couple receives the required care. With a holistic approach, experts make sure to address both physical as well as the emotional needs of the couples. This has placed Dubai in the enviable position of the largest and most recognized facility holder in the UAE by far.

Dubai is already regarded as a wealthy and luxurious destination but has also become a technology hub as well.

Dr. Mazen being an expert in this field and contributing the process with the best technology make sure that each couple receives a detailed assessment & a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs. Treatments performed by Dr. Mazen are based on a multidisciplinary approach to ensure the best possible outcome.


Let the professionals help you fulfil your parenthood dream!

Now is the time to speak with an expert, have your questions answered, retrieve control, and make headway toward building your family!

The specialists in Dubai are working in this field with expertise and bringing hope with every heartbeat by providing care for all of your needs. Now it is your time to believe that it is possible and start your journey today and take your first step to become a parent. Meet the world renowned experts in Dubai and realize your dream.


In Dubai a wide range of services inclusive of assessment are provided to clients which include:

  • Hormone profiling
  • Treatment for fertility
  • Andrology
  • Gynecology surgery
  • Male & female infertility treatments
  • Pre-implantation genetic testing
  • Fertility preservation

Author: Dr. Mazen Dayeh

Dr. Muhammad Mazen Dayeh is a top fertility expert. He completed his Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) from Saint Petersburg I.P. Pavlov State Medical University in Russia and acquired his specialty training and Ph.D. at Russian Academy for Medical Sciences. He is considered a Consultant of both OB/GYN and Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility. His special interests lie both in male and female infertility, Reproductive Immunology, and Recurrent Implantation Failures. He is recognized for his expertise in treating and evaluating infertility and recurrent pregnancy losses, IVF, and laparoscopic surgical techniques. Currently, he is performing over 600 IVF cycles per year.

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